Womb Healing

What is Womb Healing?

Your Womb is so much more than an organ, that bleeds each month & nurtures a baby to grow.

Your womb is a space of creation, sensuality and divine feminine essence. We not only birth from our wombs, but birth ideas and creative projects too.

In my womb healing sessions, they are all uniquely tailored to support you on all levels. Creating an intention for our session and using a variety of intuitive and culminated tools to support you to awaken & heal your womb space.

I utilise all of my Midwifery, NLP, Womb Hara Massage, Shamanic practices and Reiki tools, which provides a unique collaboration of healing just for you.

So, in my eyes, womb healing is an essential practice for women that helps to heal your womb, reconnect with it and awaken the power of your innate soul. Why? because we all deserve to live in alignment with our divine feminine selves.

We often loose connection to ourselves, due to the history of trauma’s and beliefs that have been engrained within our cells from our maternal ancestors, societal conditioning and our life experiences (eg: pregnancies, birthing trauma, pregnancy losses, multiple partners, sexual trauma etc). Which creates blocks on a physical and metaphysical level in your womb. Creating stagnancy and energy blockages.

This can show up as feeling low in energy or no libido, disconnection to feminine self, energetic baggage, not being able to conceive, menstrual cycle imbalances & mood swings, etc.

Unless her experiences are released & resolved, we continue to hold on, which unknowingly influences us in life. Leading to a myriad of bodily messages that are being expressed, which will continue to get louder, until we step in and decide to heal.

When you embark upon your unique womb healing journey, it creates space for you to heal, re-connect to her and awaken her power.  Then your life begins to change on all levels.

For my Womb healing offerings, I recommend that a minimum of 3 journey’s is an ideal starting point if your are really committed to aligning, healing & awakening your womb.

Simply choose which one is more suited to your needs.

Womb Alchemy 1:1 Sessions

Are my signature 2.5 hour intuitively led sessions for women who are desiring to re-connect with their inner divine soul, to clear their womb wounds, from childhood, past relationships, birth or postpartum. To re-calibrate your body and soul in preparation for a baby, or awakening your new sacred path and activate your souls remembrance for what you are uniquely here for.

This is a completely channeled experience in collaboration with you and is a combination of Energy healing, Womb Hara Massage, Shamanic practices, Celestial Re-coding & Mentoring.

Finishing with a divine feminine closing ritual and oracle card reading.

This is a beautifully powerful journey to honour the path you've walked and opportunity to gain clarity for a new way for your future.

Location: Coromandel Valley, SA & Kora Wellness Spa -Christie’s Beach

Investment: $220 for initial session then $200 there after.

Bundle 3 sessions and save $20

Payment plans available if needed - please discuss prior to your session to organise.

In-home sessions are available too upon request and a small travel fee may occur if you’re outside my service zone.

Womb Hara Massage

In Person (Adelaide)

Womb Hara massage is a deeply sacred, healing, & nourishing 90 minute treatment.

It supports you to reconnect to your feminine self, release tension/trauma within the muscles and cells of the body, helps to detoxify organs and promotes optimal hormonal and digestive balance.

Receiving this beautiful treatment realigns you to your physical & energetic centres. Creating a clear channel for optimal menstrual cycles, opening for conception, immune health & nervous system regulation.

So if you’ve been feeling:

Disconnected to your feminine self & womb space

Feeling heavy, lethargic & have low energy

Menstrual cycle Imbalances, Endo, PCOS, Infertility

Moody, imbalanced and bloated

Difficulties in expressing your sensual/feminine self

Also perfect for:

Postpartum mama’s who desire deep nourishment and honouring of your body, after all it has done for you. Which includes a Birthing Portal Closing Ritual to honour your birthing journey.

Then a womb healing is just what your body is calling for.

Suitable for most women.

Enquire for more information & availability.

Location: Coromandel Valley, SA & Kora Wellness Spa - Christie’s Beach

Investment: $180

3 session bundles available for a discount

Payment plans available

*In-Home sessions also available upon request. A small travel fee may apply if outside my service zone.

3 month Transformational Womb Healing for fertility & pregnancy

Are you on your conception journey and feeling the pull toward preparing your body, mind & soul on a deeper more healing level?

Then my Fertility Frequency is what you’re looking for. This is one of my signature offerings that will support you deeply throughout your fertility journey.

Simply click the button below to book in your FREE alignment call to see if this support offering is for you.

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